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Property Details

Network Space delivered this £15 million scheme on behalf of Tameside Council. The Centre regenerated brownfield land adjacent to the new Denton link road, Lance Corporal Andrew Breeze Way, in the heart of Denton.

Transforming an abandoned battery manufacturing plant into a flagship health and well-being centre has been a journey spanning three decades for Warrington-based commercial developer Network Space.

The final piece of this 12-acre residential, retail and health development completed on March 2, 2020, when the Tameside Wellness Centre, Denton, Greater Manchester, opened its doors to the public - ahead of schedule.

The centre is a testament to a community regeneration scheme that transformed a derelict brownfield site that struggled for over a decade to find a new identity and purpose. Providing Tameside with an eight-lane, 25 metre, competition swimming pool with room for 150 spectators, learner pool, a spa area including sauna, steam and treatment facilities, fitness suite and ten-pin bowling alley. 

There are also meeting rooms, free wi-fi, a children’s soft play area and multi-use studio spaces. A social interaction zone replaces a traditional foyer, offering a cultural area that hosts everything from a history talk to a string quartet, to children’s ‘Time for a Rhyme’ sessions or for relaxation and reading. The roof space has been transformed into a sensory garden and can also be used for a pop-up cinema, small theatre or open air exercise space.





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