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Property Details

Work has completed on a 138,000 sq ft industrial development known as Spitfire Court, on the Triumph Business Park in Speke.

Network Space was appointed by InfraRed Capital Partners Limited (“InfraRed”) in 2019, on behalf of InfraRed Active Real Estate Fund IV, to bring forward a £15m speculative scheme on a plot of vacant land to the south-west corner of Triumph Business Park. The team secured planning permission in autumn 2020. 

Spitfire Court comprises of 12 Grade A industrial units, taking the total Park's footprint to almost 1million sq ft. Offering units from 3,000 to 34,000 sq ft, this sustainable development provides electric vehicle charging points, LED lighting and will be zero carbon ready. Six larger warehouse units include ancillary first floor offices, designated parking spaces, generous service yards and loading door access. One sub-divided terraced unit houses a further six smaller business units.

The wider Triumph Business Park site is a major storage, distribution and commercial hub, with 24-hour access and a security lodge and entrance barrier. It’s strategically located less than one mile from Liverpool John Lennon Airport, with Liverpool South Parkway transport interchange 1 mile to the north for destinations across Merseyside with links to Birmingham and London Euston.  






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