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Property Details

A prime industrial and distribution site on the Dearne Valley Parkway close to junction 36 of the M1. This final phase has Reserved Matters planning approval for up to 94,500 sq ft of logistics / industrial space.

Known as Ashroyd 95, it is available on a pre let or pre-sale on a 2.77 hectare site, with the opportunity for an immediate start enabling occupation within 12 months.

Network Space acquired the 6 acre serviced Ashroyd Business Park site in May 2017 and secured planning for B1/B2/B8 uses in October 2018. The first phase completed in 2020 and offers units ranging from 11,000 to 53,000 sq ft.

Ashroyd 95 will target BREEAM Very Good and EPC A. The roof is designed to accommodate solar PV, and heating and cooling of the offices will be by electric Air Source Heat Pumps. EV charging will be available.

More information is available at www.ashroydbusinesspark.co.uk





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