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Property Details

Raven Locks in Salford, is a 14 acre development site situated approximately 1.5 mile from Junctions 3 and 4 of the M61.

Network Space has completed a 172,000 sq ft speculative industrial scheme comprising 3 detached, self-contained units ranging from 29,500 - 61,000 sq ft, along with a terrace of a further 3 units ranging from 11,000 – 19,000 sq ft. Each offers high quality warehouse space, extensive secure yards and dedicated car parking, along with office accommodation and amenities. The larger units provide 10 metre eaves height with the biggest unit offering 5 dock level access doors, as well as trailer parking spaces.

Ideally situated in Little Hulton on the outskirts of Salford, it is within 2 miles of both Junction 3 and 4 of the M61 and close to Junction 15 of the M60. The local demographic is also attractive with access to an NVQ+ qualified workforce of 235,600 and potentially 6 million customers within a 60-minute drive radius.

Raven Locks is one of a series of developments being delivered by Network Space Developments across the North West in partnership with global investors, InfraRed Capital Partners.

Asset and property management services NSM has been appointed as agents, along with JLL and DTRE.




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