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Property Details

The 1970s office building, formerly known as Amethyst House, was situated in the heart of Manchester City Centre’s business district, in a conservation area and adjoining a Grade II listed building.

Having noticed a gap in the market for Grade A office space in Manchester, Network Space developed a speculative building that would attract high profile tenants to the city. Following the site acquisition, the existing building was demolished and redeveloped as 40 Springardens.

Network Space worked closely with Manchester City Council in delivering a strikingly contemporary building of more than 100,000 sq ft of office accommodation over nine levels with 79 car parking spaces.

At the ground floor, the accommodation is designed to offer an option of two entirely self-contained office/retail suites entered directly from Spring Gardens. A stunning spacious atrium runs through the building to optimize natural light.

The immediate area around the building has also taken on a fresh look with Network Space investing in excess of £1.5 million towards public realm works.

The project was completed in 2007 at a value of £50m. In 2008, with an occupancy level of 80%, the building was sold to Himor Group.


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